School Values
We dream big, show pride and do our very best!
Mission Statement
‘Our students believe that there is no limit on how we can progress, no end to our dreams, ensuring each individual achieves their best, and is filled with pride.’
Core Values
Positivity. We actively nurture and promote positive attitudes in all that we do and say. There is no “I can’t…” without adding the word, “yet”.
Respect. We recognise and value difference and understand that diversity is a strength, which should be celebrated by all those who learn, teach and visit here.
Independence. We encourage and enable our students to become self-directed in their learning experiences to have ownership of their learning.
Determination. There are no barriers or excuses to great learning and achievement. We are not afraid to fail, and to try again when we do.
Excellence. We have a relentless focus on high standards. If something can be better, then we try to improve, until we are the very best that we can be.
The Foljambe Way
At Foljambe Primary, all children and staff follow “The Foljambe Way” to be better learners and better citizens within our school community. This is discussed in classes and in assemblies each week.
What have you done this week to promote The Foljambe Way?
A common set of values underpins Foljambe Primary’s curriculum to prepare our children for life in modern Britain and the challenges of the rapidly changing world we live and work in. While preparing our children academically for the next phase, through our curriculum, we aim to raise their aspirations and develop;
- Respect
- Responsibility
- Positive attitudes
- Self confidence
- Creativity
- Pride
- Ambition
- Enthusiasm
- Raise achievement through a commitment to high standards and expectations
- Enable every child to succeed as an independent, enthusiastic and confident learner
- Provide active, co-operative and independent learning through dynamic and high quality teaching
- Create an atmosphere where each child is valued as an individual, enabling them to develop a positive self-image, self discipline and respect for others
- Ensure equality of opportunity at all times, so that each child is given appropriate support and enrichment
- Create an inclusive learning community which challenges and enables every learner to flourish, prosper and develop aspirations for a successful future
- Provide a welcoming, secure, stimulating and enriched learning environment
- Provide an innovative, creative and integrated curriculum which inspires and motivates children to learn and which takes account of different learning styles
- Celebrate our rich diversity and work in partnership with parents, children and the wider community