“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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Home Learning Mega Update

Another busy week of home learning. We are so proud of our children and parents. They are showing great resilience during this difficult time.  Well done everyone. Keep up the good work and keep sending in your photos. It brightens up our day!

Well done Demi for persevering with your English, Maths and topic packs of learning.

Archie has continued being an historian and writing as a Viking using the runic symbols.

Wow Carly has been busy. She has been using the Oak Online Academy successfully to learn all about Henry VIII and created her own non fiction book.

Grace in Year 4 has been finding out about the Stone Age as you can see in the variety of ways she has shown this  in her super learning.

Carly from Year 4 has been thinking about the story we read in class, ‘Escape from Pompeii’. Look at this amazing model of the volcano Mount Vesuvius, made from reclaimed materials in the home.

Ruben in Year 4 has been reflecting on our digestion topic from the autumn where we were learning all about teeth. He is enjoying reading David Walliams, The Demon Dentist. Happy reading Ruben. He has also accessed BBC Bitesize and is learning all about 3 and 4 digit numbers and has been learning about the Stone Age.

Layton in FS2 was really proud of his 6 spotted ladybird. He’s also been helping in the garden.

Ruby in Year 2  has had lots fun using her paints to decorate her house and playing  with her dog Teddy.

Leona in FS2 has been making colourful circles. The rainbow one was her favourite (mine too!)  She has also been getting ready  the VE day celebrations.

Spencer and his brother Dawson have been working hard and doing it with a smile!

Brooke in Year 2 was feeling a little under the weather but still practiced her spellings and times tables. She even had a message for all her friends back at school.

Melissa in Year 6  made a character profile word cloud and evidenced all her ideas with examples from the book. She has invented a machine for helping to clean around the house and she has done some great artwork, as well as making a delicious cheesecake!

James in Y5 is completing the daily drawing challenge. Look at his work so far.

Harry and Eva have made their own bunting to celebrate VE day.

Gracie in Year 1 has been finding insects in the garden and baking a delicious chocolate cake. Loving the Lockdown Handprint too!

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Class 4 - Year 5/6

Y5/6 Parachutes in Science

In Science, Y5/6 have been learning about air resistance. They made parachutes in two different sizes, and investigated which one would fall the quickest. The

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