“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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Fur and Feathers!

In Foundation 2, our theme has been ‘Fur and Feathers’. We have been learning about animals, beginning with pets. We noticed something amazing in our outdoor area, which fitted in so well with our learning, it was like we had planned it!  We have had a nest box on the tree for about 3 years but it hadn’t ever been used…till now! We heard cheeping sounds and when we pointed one of our cameras into the hole, we could see chicks! We think they are great tits. The children have been fascinated by watching the mother bird bringing caterpillars to feed them. They brought all the boxes from the obstacle course and sat in a quiet semi circle to observe. It was so peaceful.
Our learning this term will move on to wild animals and we’ll be finding out about different habitats around the world.
Foljambe White-01-01 (Medium)
Class 4 - Year 5/6

Y5/6 Parachutes in Science

In Science, Y5/6 have been learning about air resistance. They made parachutes in two different sizes, and investigated which one would fall the quickest. The

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Foljambe White-01-01 (Medium)

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