“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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Y5/6 D.T. Worry Monsters

Our Upper Key Stage 2 children have been busy investigating, designing and making ‘worry monsters’. After initially investigating how the toys had been made, the children designed their own monsters either for a younger child – or themselves.

Despite the challenges of threading needles and knotting the thread everyone produced a monster to be proud of. What a resilient team! The newly formed creatures were then taken home for the spooky half term break ready to receive the concerns of their owners. 

Why not have a go at making one yourself?
Foljambe White-01-01 (Medium)
Class 4 - Year 5/6

Y5/6 Parachutes in Science

In Science, Y5/6 have been learning about air resistance. They made parachutes in two different sizes, and investigated which one would fall the quickest. The

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Foljambe White-01-01 (Medium)

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