“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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Class 2 Expanding Knowledge

Class 2 followed the Foljambe Way showing how they’re always learning and prepared to take risks.

We have been learning about homophones and understanding how two or more words can share the shame pronunciation, but can have different spellings or meanings.
This week, we focused on ‘there, their and they’re’ after choosing the correct homophone to complete given sentences,  we then consolidated our learning using IXL intervention platform.
Well done, Class 2! 👏
Foljambe White-01-01 (Medium)
Class 4 - Year 5/6

Y5/6 Parachutes in Science

In Science, Y5/6 have been learning about air resistance. They made parachutes in two different sizes, and investigated which one would fall the quickest. The

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Foljambe White-01-01 (Medium)

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