“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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Y3/4 Muscles and Bones!

This week in Science, Year 3 and Year 4 have been looking at skeletal muscles. They now know that muscles are attached to our bones, and they create movement. 
Using paper and modelling balloons, the children have made models of the elbow.  First, they created the humorous, the radius, and the ulna bones. They then attached their modelling balloons to create the the bicep and tricep.
They learnt that when the bicep muscle contracts, it bends the elbow, and when the tricep muscle contracts, the arm extends.
Well done everyone!
Foljambe White-01-01 (Medium)
School News

World Book Day 2025

On Thursday 6th March, Foljambe students had a fantastic time celebrating World Book Day. The children dressed up as their favourite character, and put such

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Foljambe White-01-01 (Medium)

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