This week was a very exciting week for the Caterpillars, as we have had some very special visitors!
Yesterday, Maggie the dog came for a little visit and the children were lovely and calm around her. The Caterpillars that wanted to stroke Maggie practiced asking permission first, and we talked about safety around dogs we don’t know. We discussed how to take care of dogs and looked at the equipment we might need. At the end, we really enjoyed watching Maggie play fetch outside. Everyone stood at the other side of the fence and watched some of her tricks too!
After this, Mrs Heydon brought in her pet tortoises for us to meet. Their names are Gizmo, Salt, and Pepper. We described how they looked, and we were surprised by their sharp claws, hard shells, and wrinkly necks. We discovered that their favourite food is lettuce and cucumber, and they love to eat Dandelions in the garden. We decided that the tortoises were much slower than Maggie, and we think that she would win if they had a race. We think tortoises would make a very good pet!