“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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Class 4 – Year 5/6

Class 3 - Year 4/5

Y3/4 Peak District Visit

Year 3/4 have enjoyed a wonderful day in the Peak District to support their current Geography learning. 🏞 We visited the Longshaw Estate and walked

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Class 4 - Year 5/6

Class 4 in Outer Space 🪐

That’s right! Last week we took to the playground to explore outer space…children held hands to represent the rotating Earth, whilst their peers orbited around

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Class 4 - Year 5/6

Class 4 LOVE Reading!

In Class 4 we are crazy about Tom Gates at the minute. Children were over the moon with a box full of his books that were kindly

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Class 4 - Year 5/6

Y5/6 D.T. Worry Monsters

Our Upper Key Stage 2 children have been busy investigating, designing and making ‘worry monsters’. After initially investigating how the toys had been made, the

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Class 4 - Year 5/6

Y6 Visit Crucial Crew

On Friday 6th October year 6 pupils attended Crucial Crew.  We learnt lots about discrimination, hate crime and the warning signs of child criminal exploitation. Pupils

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Class 4 - Year 5/6

Y5/6 Use Drama in Class

Class 4 has been using drama to recreate scenes from ‘The Angel of Nitshill Road’ by Anne Fine. Through this, children have been able to understand

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Class 4 - Year 5/6

Aspiring Artists

The artists at Foljambe have been busily studying the work of contemporary naive artist Caroline Appleyard. In order to understand the construction of the images we used natural

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Class 4 - Year 5/6

Y6 Leavers Assembly!

A huge congratulations to Year 6 on a brilliant leavers assembly! They received their yearbooks for one another to sign, and invited their families for

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